While student teaching, my mentor teacher mentioned to me that she had expressed interest to Artworks to obtain a pig and a corporate sponsor. I told her that I would be interested in helping with the entire process if she needed me to. It began with creating a concept to tie into the World Choir Games which will be in Cincinnati July 4-14. Our theme is "This Little Piggy Went Around the World." The pig sculpture chosen is standing with wings! What elementary kid imagines a five foot pig sculpture without wings?! We are including areas of interest that relate to world cultures, world art, music, theater, creating writing including The Sydney Opera House, Shakespeare Global Theater, The Louvre and The Guggenheim Museum to name a few. We have met with the sponsor, Artworks and today I met with the artist who will be adding the wings to our pig! Here are some photos of the stage that our pig is in now! Looking forward to getting it in two weeks to bring home to paint a base coat on and draw on the images on before taking it into the school for the students to work on. With over 400 students that will be adding brushstrokes to the pig, we have a lot of work cut out for us!

Arty On!

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