_Friedensreich Hundertwasser created beautiful landscape paintings with simplified trees with a strong emphasis on shapes, lines and patterns. First grade students learned about the artist and saw some examples of his work. Our inspiration came from his tree paintings. We had two large pieces of paper, one orange and the other blue. The reason for this was to easily remind students that we were using warm colors (on the orange paper) and cool colors (on the blue paper). First, we painted five lines with each color scheme. The lines were straight, curvy, curly and zig zag which students are familiar with. Day two we added Sharpie lines in each section to further define the shapes, after, we used oil pastel to add shapes such as hearts, circles and triangles. Day Three we cut trees, flowers or bushes out of our cold paper and glued them on the warm color scheme paper. Final details were added and the projects were complete! Such beautiful patterning and color choices!

Arty On!

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