when the cupcake wars project was introduced, cassandra and i wanted a theme to test our artistic abilities and still focus on nature. after a few minutes of brain storming, we thought sea life in an underwater/atlantis theme would be challenging and informative for our audience. we discovered a foundation focused on saving the almost-extint north american octopi, thus came our focal point for the structure. we began constructing the head by crumbling newspaper into balls to tape around a tissue box to create an oval shape. the head was then covered in paper mache and newspaper strips until we felt it was sturdy. once the paper mache dried, cassandra painted the head while i began constructing and paper mache-ing the arms (made of toilet paper rolls taped together). after days of painting the arms, body (a paper mached bowl),head, and attaching plastic lids to our flimsy tentacles, the next mission was our cupcakes. we decided on two flavors (red velvet and vanilla) and three decorations (coral reef, star fish, and an opened clam with a pearl inside). we decided our icings would be triple chocolate fudge, cream cheese icing, and green buttercream icing. over the weekend cassandra baked and frosted the cupcakes while i constructed the sandy base out of a 3 ft by 3ft board covered with a sand and paper mache mixture. the decoration phase consisted of coral reefs made of icing and dusted with pink sprinkles, clams made of circular peanut butter candies and candy pearls sprinkled with blue sprinkles, and iced starfish coated with chocolate and peanut butter chips. after the sea shells and cupcakes were placed on the plastic lid trays, the octopus underwater scene was finally complete!

Arty on!

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