For us complete our project, there were a lot of steps we had to take. The first thing we had to do was collect cans that we painted and stacked one on top of the other. Second, we had to pick up sticks from outside. Third, we hot glued the sticks to the painted cans to make it look more as a tree. Fourth, we painted newspaper green that Erica took home and shredded and used it for grass. Fifth, we arranged the cans on top of the painted cardboard and hot glued them down. Sixth, we put plain cupcakes on top of our display to see what it would look like. Seventh, we rolled out laffy taffy and cut it into leaf like shapes that was detailed to go on the trees. Eighth, we researched facts about trees and things about Crayola. Ninth, we started icing ten cupcakes white. Tenth, we created our shrubs by using a grass icing tip. and icing ten cupcakes green. Eleventh, we wrote little facts and hot glued them onto colored pencils that were dipped in wax. We  stuck the facts in the shrubs. Twelfth, we decorated the ten cupcakes tops  to look like colored pencil tops. Finally, we put all of our cupcakes on our finished cupcake stand.

Arty on!

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